Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Starting to be an active blogger!

Well, I've been an active blogger... but lately it's just so hard to catch up with things.. if you know what I mean. Working full time, and being a mommy full time is a 24/7 job!
By the time I sit in front of the PC, my son will also start pulling my fingers to where he wants me to be, in other words, do some "errands" for him.

Anyways, I just want to be the best mom I can be...

But promise, I'll go ahead and try to the best of my POWER to be as active as I used to be.

On the other hand, Halloween is coming up and Jeremiah will dress up as SUPERMAN. LOL
We well be out trick or treating around the apartment complex, with his cute jack-o-lantern bag!

Also, I wanna bring him to Disneyland this Holiday season...

So many things to look forward to...

Although, I'm still bothered with what has been going on with me and his dad, life my go on.. and Jeremiah doesn't need to suffer what chaos has been going between his parents, right?

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